All prices EXW Buffalo Grove, Illinois.
USA Terms: Net 30 Days, subject to credit acceptance.
EPIX, Inc. products are not authorized for use as critical
components in life support devices or systems without the
express written approval of the president of EPIX, Inc.
See complete Terms of Sale
EPIX, SILICON VIDEO, and PIXCI are registered trademarks of EPIX, Inc.
XCAP, XCLIB, and PXIPL are trademarks of EPIX, Inc.
Other brand, product, and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Prices, terms, and specifications subject to change without notice.
Software price protection: Within 90 days of original shipment,
a discount equal to the
original purchase price of XCAP, XCLIB, or XCLIB+PXIPL
may be applied to a new version of the same software.
Programming libraries license a single program developer;
the developed program
may be reproduced without payment of royalties,
as detailed in the Software License Agreement.