introduces PIXCI® DLS, the first in a series of modular PCI boards
supporting high-performance nonstandard cameras. PIXCI® DLS™
is a PCI bus master imaging board that acquires images from digital output Dalsa
CA-D1, CA-D4, and CA-D7 area scan cameras, as well as CA-Dx line scan cameras.
Dalsa Cameras
The major advantage of these various cameras is that they are not
shackled to the RS-170 and CCIR video standards. They aren't limited to
a 25 or 30 Hz frame rate. They aren't locked into an interlaced capture
mode. The area scan cameras provide, for example, a high resolution
1024x1024 image at 30 Hz, or a 64x64 resolution at 830 Hz. The line
scan cameras generate a single line of video, hundreds, or thousands of
pixels long, at varying integration times. All of these cameras provide
asynchronous capture, which allows instantaneous image capture without
the need to wait for the next vertical drive signal (area scan) or horizontal
drive signal (line scan).
The PIXCI® DLS Advantage
The advantage of the PIXCI® DLS is that it is designed to support Dalsa's
diversity. PIXCI® DLS accepts single or dual channel digital RS-422 output
over a range of 2 to 16 bits per pixel. Sampling rates up to 25 MHz are
available. Trigger input and output is provided. Synchronous and
asynchronous capture are supported.
Dalsa And EPIX -- A Logical Choice
Although many imaging applications are still accomplished with standard
RS-170 and CCIR cameras, the advantages of noninterlaced, higher
resolution, higher frame rate, and line scan cameras are becoming crucial
to an increasing number of imaging engineers. The PIXCI® DLS is custom-
designed to match the capabilities of Dalsa cameras; EPIX software
provides easy configuration and operation. Dalsa cameras, coupled with
the PIXCI® DLS imaging board, are a logical choice for imaging applications
in which standard video quality just isn't good enough.
EPIX Vision - December 1996 Newsletter
Specifications and prices subject to change without notice.
EPIX® imaging products are made in the USA.
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