Raptor Photonics Falcon FA285-CL

Raptor Photonics Bundle

View, Capture, Save from a high sensitivity / low-light CCD Camera

The digital FALCON EMCCD camera, model FA285-CL, combines high sensitivity, speed and high resolution. It uses Texas Instruments' 1MegaPixel Frame Transfer Impactron device which provides QE up to 65%.

FALCON EM285 comes with a standard CameraLink output. It is the smallest and most rugged 1MP EMCCD camera in the world. It is ideally suited for any low imaging application such as hyperspectral imaging, X-ray imaging, Astronomy and low light surveillance.

It is small, lightweight, low power and is therefore the ideal camera for OEM and integrators.

Raptor Photonics Falcon FA285-CL:

  • TC285 (monochrome) sensor from Texas Instruments
  • 1004 (H) x 1002 (V) Active Pixel Size (8µm x 8µm)
  • 65% QE
  • 16 bit CameraLink output
  • up to 30Hz
  • Ultra compact size: 90mm x 76mm x 67mm

Typical Applications:

  • Hyperspecteral Imaging
  • X-ray Imaging
  • Astronomy
  • Airborne and Ground-based EO surveillance system
  • Long Range target identification
  • 800nm to 1.06µm laser line detection
  • Driver view enhancement


EPIX PIXCI® EB1 Board - Up to 250 Megabyte per second burst data transfers to PCI Express x1 bus.

XCAP™ Software

  • Camera specific controls - exposure, bit depth, gain, frame rate, etc.
  • Camera operation in free-run mode for maximum frame rate sequence capture
  • Camera operation in control (trigger) mode

Camera Power Supply

3-meter Camera Link Cable

Request your Bundle Package with Pre-configured desktop computer; pre-tested for performance.

Falcon Quantum Efficiency

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