Security System

High Frame-Rate - High Resolution

XCAP-Ltd and XCAP-Std software allows turning any PIXCI® imaging card and supported camera into a powerful video security system.


  • 4K x 4K high resolution cameras,
  • 12 bit pixel depth cameras,
  • 1000 frame per second high speed cameras,
  • Near infrared (IR) sensitive cameras,
  • Cooled, far infrared sensitive cameras,
  • Economical NTSC or PAL cameras,

or any camera that works with a PIXCI® imaging card!

XCAP allows capturing images continuously at a set rate, capturing upon the application of a TTL or differential signal, or capturing when the object(s) within the camera's field of view move, appear, or disappear! Captured images can be stored indefinitely, subject to available disk space, or older images automatically purged to provide space for newer images!

XCAP software is web-enabled. Captured images can be viewed remotely with Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or any web browser.

XCAP also supports off-site archival of images - saving the captured images to any FTP site as the images are captured (subject to network bandwidth) - for situations where XCAP's host PC is itself not secure!