High Frame-Rate - High Resolution
XCAP-Ltd and XCAP-Std software allows turning any PIXCI® imaging card and supported camera into an internet-enabled WebCam.
- 4K x 4K high resolution cameras,
- 12 bit pixel depth cameras,
- 1000 frame per second high speed cameras,
- Ultra-violet (UV) sensitive cameras,
- Near infrared (IR) sensitive cameras,
- Cooled, far infrared sensitive cameras,
or any camera that works with a PIXCI® imaging card to stream video across the web!
XCAP software supports both "push" and "pull" web video. In "push" web video, each captured image is immediately saved to an FTP URL, whether or not any browsers are currently viewing the video. In "pull" web video, captured images are kept on the host computer and served to a browser on demand by the integrated XCAP HTTP server. The "push" mode has the advantage of off-site storage - great for security monitoring applications. The "pull" mode has the advantage of minimizing internet bandwidth - images aren't transferred until requested by a browser.
XCAP software operates the PIXCI® imaging board and transmits the images. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or any web-enabled application, on any type of web-enabled computer system, may view the images using standard HTML/JavaScript to control the images' presentation. The video refresh rate is, of course, dependent on the bandwidth of the network connections.